Use of Cookies - Taipei 101 Observatory - Online Shopping

Home Use of Cookies

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small text file used to store information on a web browser. Cookies can store and receive identification codes and other information on computers, mobile phones and other devices. Other technologies, including the data we store on your web browser or device, identification codes associated with your device, and other software, are also used for similar purposes, and these technologies are collectively referred to as "cookies" in this policy.

The "TAIPEI 101" website will read the cookies stored on your computer according to the functions and purposes of the cookies. If it is to remember your operations and input data when you jump to the website page or to maintain the security of data transmission, the use of such cookies Use without your consent.

The "TAIPEI 101" website will use cookies to improve your experience, such as your region and language, but it cannot identify your real identity. According to your choice, cookies will be used to store your account number and password, so that when you log in to this website, No need to re-enter each time. Such information is only used for statistical analysis on this website. Unless you log in as a member or complete shopping on this website, such information will not be linked with your member information or other personal information. "TAIPEI 101" will not Cookies are used to deliver advertisements that may be of interest to you.

In order to enhance the performance of this website, such as error messages responded by users or the click-through rate of statistical webpages, "TAIPEI 101" will collect website statistics, including but not limited to device types, IP addresses, and web browsing records, etc., which are only used as It is used to improve the service process of this website and analyze website traffic, and your real identity cannot be identified, and these data will continue to be saved.

If you do not want cookies to be read, your browser or device can provide you with the ability to set and delete browser cookies; we encourage you to use the browser's function so that your browsing cannot be tracked. For detailed information on these control options, please refer to the instructions for use of each browser or device, but turning off the reading of cookies may result in you being unable to use some functions of this website, or may reduce the service quality of this website.

Data usage

"TAIPEI 101" will not sell the stored personal data files to a third party under any circumstances, but in the following circumstances, "TAIPEI 101" may provide your information to a third party:

Obtain your consent in advance, or within the specific purpose of collecting personal information.

To comply with legal obligations or requests from government agencies.

Other purposes other than those specified in the Personal Data Protection Act, such as preventing illegal activities and maintaining the safety of others.

Establish or defend legal claims or defenses.

Provide necessary information to law enforcement agencies for legal proceedings, such as "TAIPEI 101" suffering information security threats.

If it is necessary to transfer data across borders, we will obtain your consent and comply with the relevant laws and regulations of Taiwan, the European Union or other member countries before proceeding.

Website account password change and security protection

"TAIPEI 101" will protect data through appropriate security measures, and prevent unexpected interruption of business activities or other data violations. All registered members' account information on the "TAIPEI 101" website will be protected by passwords. "TAIPEI 101" will take reasonable measures to protect the personal data it has from being lost, improperly used, and read, used, changed or destroyed without authorization; data transmission will also adopt appropriate encryption technology and security measures It will include the overall data life cycle, and various security mechanisms will be regularly checked and updated to provide effective protection, and under strict legal conditions, it will respond to relevant units for cyber attacks that may affect the operation of "TAIPEI 101".

Internet users who have registered as members can log in at any time to modify their personal information and preferences on the "TAIPEI 101" website, including the right to accept "TAIPEI 101" notifications of special events or new products and services.

In turn, this information is needed to (1) deliver the content of our website correctly, (2) optimize the content of our website and its advertising, (3) ensure the long-term viability of our IT systems and website technology (4) provide law enforcement authorities with Information required for criminal prosecution in the event of a cyber attack.

Data storage and management

We provide you with the functions of accessing, correcting and clearing your data, please go to the setting function page of the "TAIPEI 101" website for more information.

"TAIPEI 101" will continue to save data until you no longer need to provide our services, or until you delete your account (whichever occurs earlier). The above decisions will have different results on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the data, the reasons for collecting and processing the data, and relevant legal or operational retention needs.

If you delete your account, the information you have provided in the past cannot be restored in the future.

respond to legal requests

"TAIPEI 101" may access and retain your information in the following situations:

Processing of personal data exclusively for journalistic, academic, artistic or literary expression purposes, activities in areas of jurisdiction outside EU law, purely personal or family activities, and personal data for the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offenses or the execution of sentences processing, which may be excluded or exempted.

Competent authorities or judiciary and police agencies are required by law to access and retain information, including but not limited to administrative actions, search tickets, subpoenas, rulings or judgments. When "TAIPEI 101" encounters the above-mentioned authorities requiring us to respond or perform obligations according to law, and the response or performance will affect users in the jurisdiction and meet internationally recognized standards, we will respond to or fulfill the legal requirements or obligations of the above-mentioned authorities .

When we believe that it is necessary to take the following actions: to detect, prevent and resolve fraud, violate our terms or policies, or harm the rights of other users, protect "TAIPEI 101" (including our rights, assets, goods or services) , you, or in order to conduct an investigation or respond to an inquiry or instruction from a competent authority.

We may prolong the acquisition and retention of information we receive about you if required by law or out of obligation, agency investigation, or investigation regarding alleged violations of our terms or policies, or to avoid harm time.

If you have any questions about the processing of identifiable personal data by "TAIPEI 101", please leave your comments at the customer service counter, customer service hotline or this website, or contact the relevant competent authority.

policy revision

In response to the changes in the social environment and laws and regulations and the advancement of technology, in order to protect the privacy of users and the intellectual property rights of website content, "TAIPEI 101" may be revised in due course in consideration of the current laws and regulations, environmental changes, etc.